This week WLCN had a fun field trip at Gaver’s Farm. Emma was at first disappointed that we weren’t going to school, but soon brightened up when she realized that we were going to a farm to pick a pumpkin and play on the equipment with school friends. When we parked the car and got her out, she immediately wanted to go off and explore. While school has only been in session for a few weeks, Emma already recognizes the kids from her class.
We did a pumpkin patch last year with her, and what a difference a year makes in child development. Last year she vaguely cared which pumpkin we picked. This year she had opinions on the pumpkin and the hayride. Once we made it to the patch she got down and started evaluating her pumpkin options. She settled on one that was bumpy and had green accents.
I had never been to Gaver’s farm so I wasn’t quite sure what to expect as far as play equipment. This farm has a variety of play areas with an abundance of space for all the kids and adults on our field trip. Once Emma picked her pumpkin she spent a solid amount of time running from one spot to the next trying to find the next interesting thing to do, stopping only to play in a new space. This was the first field trip I’ve done with her, and I can’t wait to do many more with her.