Did you know that you could contribute to Wilde Lake Children’s Nursery while shopping at Amazon?
It is a program called Amazon Smile and our Cooperative School is eligible to receive 0.5% of eligible purchases.
It’s very simple. All you need to do is sign up to your regular Amazon account via smile.amazon.com
If you’ve never done this, you simply can search for a charity, in this case “Wilde Lake Children’s Nursery”
Do you already have a charity but would like to change it to Wilde Lake Children’s Nursery? It’s easy!
You can access your Amazon Smile from “My Account” when logged in.
From there, you can select CHANGE YOUR CHARITY and search/select Wilde Lake Children’s Nursery as your new Charity!
It is that easy! And even better grandparents, aunts, uncles, nephews, friends…ANYONE with an Amazon account can help WLCN while shopping on Amazon.